La résidence Kingsley que nous avons eu la chance de visiter exceptionnellement un jour de semaine a subi plusieurs altérations mal avisées qui causent maintenant des problèmes structurels.
Nous avons aussi le plaisir de voir quelques tortues "gopher", une espèce menacée de disparation ,et qui creuse des terriers, qui sont utilisés par d'autres espèces.
Nous avons passé une bonne nuit. L'ancre Rocna a bien tenu malgré le courant assez fort et les rafales de vent. Il a plu mais nous avons échappé aux orages attendus pendant la nuit et en matinée.
We cast off from Tiger Point Marina on thursday, January 26th to go to Fort George River where we anchored for the night, after a much needed pump out at the Harbor Marina. This lovely anchorage is located near the National Park Timucuan. We visited part of the old cotton Kingsley Plantation, said to be the oldest of the state. We were lucky enough to visit the main house , usually opened only on week-ends. Changes were made to the house by the subsequent owners, unfortunately some of those changes have affected the structural integrity of the building. It was built in 1814 by Zephonia Kingsley who had 4 wives. One of them was from Senegal, Anna Madgigine. She was purchased as a slave. She helped to manage the plantation, acquired her own lands, and was freed by her husband in 1811.
We also had the pleasure to see gopher turtles on the grounds. They did holes used by other species.
We slept fairly well in spite of some rain and wind gusts. The Rocna (anchor) held well in the strong current.
Vendredi le 27 janvier, nous avons levé l'ancre peu avant dix heures en direction de St Augustine, ou nous attendait Peter et Thaïs de Gesundheit. Nous avons croisé un grand nombre de résidences cossues en cours de route.
We left Fort George River shortly before 10:00 to go to St Augustine where Thais and Peter from Gesundheit were awaiting us.
We saw quite a few expensive houses on the way.
Nous avons passé sous le pont des Lions ensemble à 15:30 pour aller nous amarrer sur un coffre à la marina municipale.
We went under the Bridge of Lions together at 15:30 and took a mooring at the St Augustine Marina.
Nous sommes tombés sous le charme de St Augustine, et de son cachet espagnol . Le Flagler's College en particulier, cet ancien hôtel luxueux, est superbe avec ses vitraux Tiffany, ses plafonds, frises, gargouilles, fontaines, et son électricité conçue et installée par Thomas Edison.
We were spell bound by St Augustine and its spanish style, Flagler's College in particular, with his Tiffany stained glass, its painted ceilings, its gargoyles, etc. It was wired by Thomas Edison.
Nous sommes retournés sur Nomades au soleil couchant, et nous avons dîné à bord avec Peter et Thaïs.
We went back to Nomades as the sun was setting , and we had dinner aboard with Peter and Thaïs.
Demain, Daytona Beach.
Tomorrow, we head off to Daytona Beach.